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Bible Class Studies

Displaying 41 - 60 of 94

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
07/10/24 The Revelation: Prophesies About Jerusalem - Class 10 Rex Bittle The Revelation Wed PM 24071001-TheRevelation-Class10-ProphesiesAboutJerusalem-RexBittle.MP3
07/07/24 Parables: Wise And Foolish Virgins - Matthew 25: 1-13 Randy Jamerson Parables of Jesus Sun Bible Study 24070703-ParablesOfJesus-Matthew25--1-13-WiseAndFoolishVirgins-RandyJamerson.MP3
07/03/24 The Revelation - The Rise Of The Nation Of Israel - Class 9 Rex Bittle The Revelation Wed PM 24070301-TheRevelation-TheRiseOfTheNationOfIsrael-Class9-RexBittle.MP3
06/30/24 Two Sons And The Wicked Vine Dressers (Land Owner) Randy Jamerson Parables of Jesus Sun Bible Study 24063001-ParablesTwoSonsAndWickedVineDressersLandOwner-RandyJamerson.MP3
06/26/24 The Revelation: The Mystery of God, Rev. 10: 7; Class 8 Rex Bittle The Revelation Wed PM 24062601-TheRevelationClass8-TheMysteryOfGod-Rev10-7-RexBittle.MP3
06/23/24 Parable of The Unmerciful Servant, Matthew 18:21-35 Randy Jamerson Parables of Jesus Sun Bible Study 24062301-Mathew18--21-35TheParableoftheUnMercifulServant-RandyJamerson.MP3
06/19/24 The Revelation: Importance of Jerusalem; Class7 Rex Bittle The Revelation Wed PM 24061906-TheRevelation-Jerusalem-RexBittle-Class7.MP3
06/16/24 Luke 10, The Good Samaritan Randy Jamerson Parables of Jesus Sun Bible Study 24061603-ParablesGoodSmaritanLuke10-RandyJamerson.MP3
06/12/24 The Revelation - Clues From Past Tied To Times or Events - Class 6 Rex Bittle N/A Wed PM 24061201-TheRevelation-CluesFromPastTiedToTimes-C6L6.5-RexBittle.MP3
06/05/24 The Revelation, Early Date Study (Class 5 Lesson 3 Part 1) Rex Bittle The Revelation Wed PM 24060501C-TheRevelation-C5-L3-EarlyDateStudyiPhoneMicrSound-RexBittle-ForAudienceWords.MP3 24060501A-TheRevelation-C5-L3-EarlyDateStudyPodiumMicrSound-RexBittle.MP3
06/02/24 Parables Overview, and Hidden Treasure and Pearl of Great Price Michael Cain Parables of Jesus Sun Bible Study 24060201-ParablesL5-Overview-HidTreasuresAndPearlGrPriceMat13--44-46-MichaelCain.MP3
05/29/24 The Revelation, Q & A Review, and Late Date Study, C4, L2, Page 8 Rex Bittle The Revelation Wed PM 24052905-TheRevelation-C4-L2-P8-QAndA-AndDateDiscussion-RexBittle.MP3
05/26/24 Parables Mustard Seed And Leaven - Bible Study L4 Elijah Bittle Parables of Jesus Sun Bible Study 24052603-ParablesMustardSeedAndLeaven-BibleStudyL4-ElijahBittle.MP3
05/22/24 The Revelation - Class 3 - Lesson 1 End Rex Bittle The Revelation Wed PM 24052201-TheRevelation-C3-L1End-RexBittle.MP3
05/19/24 Parable of The Wheat and The Tares Michael Cain Parables of Jesus Sun Bible Study 24051901-ParableOfWheatAndTares-BibleClass-MichaelCain.MP3
05/15/24 The Revelation - Class 2 - Lesson 1 continuing Rex Bittle The Revelation Wed PM 24051501-TheRevelation-C2-L1cont-RexBittle.MP3
05/12/24 Parable of The Sower Randy Jamerson Parables of Jesus Sun Bible Study 24051201-ParableOfSower-BibleClass-RandyJamerson.MP3
05/08/24 The Revelation Class1 - Introduction, L1 Part1 Rex Bittle The Revelation Wed PM 24050804-TheRevelation-C1-L1-Introduction-RexBittle.MP3
05/05/24 Jesus Taught Parables - Introduction to Series Randy Jamerson Parables of Jesus Sun Bible Study 24050501-TheParablesOfJesus-C1-IntroducingParables-RandyJamerson.MP3
04/21/24 "Patient's Virtues..." James Study... Elijah Bittle Study of James Sun Bible Study 24042101-JamesStudyL12P1PatienceVirtue-Ch5Vs7-12-ElijahBittle.MP3

Displaying 41 - 60 of 94

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