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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
12/18/24 The Revelation - Internal And External Disasters - The Roman Siege With Final Destruction Of Jerusalem - Class33 Rex Bittle N/A Wed PM 24121802-TheRevelation-internalAndExternalDisasters-TheRomanSeigeWithFinalDestructionOfJerusalem-Class33-RexBittle.MP3
12/15/24 Bible Authority - Instrumental Music - History - Lesson 10 B Randy Jamerson Bible Authority: How Established; How Applied Sun Bible Study 24121503-BibleAuthority-InstrumentalMusicHistory-Lesson10B-RandyJamerson.MP3
12/11/24 The Revelation - internal And External Disasters During The Roman Siege Of Jerusalem - Class 32 Rex Bittle The Revelation Wed PM 24121101-TheRevelation-internalAndExternalDisastersDuringTheRomanSeigeOfJerusalem-Class32-RexBittle.MP3
12/08/24 Bible Authority - Instrumental Music vs Singing - Lesson 10A Randy Jamerson Bible Authority: How Established; How Applied Sun Bible Study 24120801-BibleAuthority-InstrumentalMusicvsSinging-Lesson10A-RandyJamerson.MP3
12/04/24 The Revelation -Roman Jewish War Part 2 , Lesson 31 Rex Bittle The Revelation Wed PM 24120401-TheRevelation-RomanJewishWar-Part2-Lesson31-RexBittle.MP3
12/01/24 Bible Authority - Things That Have Been Substituted For The Bible As A Standard - Lesson 9 - P2 Michael Cain Bible Authority: How Established; How Applied Sun Bible Study 24120101-BibleAuthority-ThingsThatHaveBeenSubstitudedForThrBibleAsAStandard-Lesson9P2-MichaelCain.MP3
11/24/24 Bible Authority - Things That Have Been Substituted For The Bible As A Standard - Lesson 9 -P1 Michael Cain Bible Authority: How Established; How Applied Sun Bible Study 24112401-BibleAuthority-ThingsThatHaveBeenSubstitudedForThrBibleAsAStandard-Lesson9P1-MichaelCain.MP3
11/20/24 The Revelation - The Prelude To War, Class 29 Rex Bittle The Revelation Wed PM 24112001-TheRevelation-ThePreludeToWar-Lesson29-RexBittle.MP3
11/17/24 Bible Authority - Attitudes Towards The Silence Of The Scriptures - Lesson 8 - P2 Randy Jamerson Bible Authority: How Established; How Applied Sun Bible Study 24111701-BibleAuthority-AttitudesTowardsTheSilenceOfTheScriptures-Lesson8-P2-RandyJamerson.MP3
11/13/24 The Revelation - The Jews Continue Under Romans And Herod's Control - Class 28 Rex Bittle The Revelation Wed PM 24111301-TheRevelation-TheJewsContinueUnderTheRomansAndHerods-Class28-RexBittle.MP3
11/10/24 Bible Authority - Attitudes Towards The Silence Of The Scriptures - Lesson 8 -P1 Randy Jamerson Bible Authority: How Established; How Applied Sun Bible Study 24111006-BibleAuthority-AttitudesTowardsTheSilenceOfTheScriptures-Lesson8-P1-RandyJamerson.MP3
11/06/24 The Revelation - The Jews Under The Romans And Final Emperors - Class27 Rex Bittle The Revelation Wed PM 24110604-TheRevelation-RomesDestroyingJerusalemAndFinalEmperors-Class27-RexBittle.MP3
10/30/24 The Revelation - Rome as a Major Revelation Character - Class 26 Rex Bittle The Revelation Wed PM 24103001-TheRevelation-A-MajorRevelationChacter-Rome-Class26-RexBittle.MP3
10/27/24 Is It Helpful And Expedient Less7 Part1 Michael Cain Bible Authority: How Established; How Applied Sun Bible Study 24102701-BibleAuthority-HelpfulAndExpedient-Lesson7Part1-MichaelCain.MP3
10/23/24 The Revelation - The Rise of Rome As GOD's Tool -Class 25 Rex Bittle The Revelation Wed PM 24102301-TheRevelation-TheRiseOfRomeAsGODsTool-Class25-RexBittle.MP3
10/20/24 Bible Authority - Generic (General) And Specific Authority - Lesson 6Part2 Elijah Bittle Bible Authority: How Established; How Applied Sun Bible Study 24102001-BibleAuthority-GenericGeneralAndSpecificAuthority-Lesson6Part2-ElijahBittle.MP3
10/16/24 The Revelation - Apostle Paul And Hebrew Writers Doctrine Rex Bittle The Revelation Wed PM 24101604-TheRevelation-ApostlePaulAndHebrewWritersDoctrine-Class24-RexBittle.MP3
10/13/24 Bible Authority - Generic (General) And Specific Authority Lesson 6 P1 Elijah Bittle Bible Authority: How Established; How Applied Sun Bible Study 24101301-BibleAuthority-GenericGeneralAndSpecificAuthority-Lesson6Part1-ElijahBittle.MP3
10/09/24 The Revelation - Jesus' Words And The Apostles Doctrine Following After That - Class 23 Rex Bittle The Revelation Wed PM 24100901-TheRevelation-JesusWordsAndTheApostlesDoctrineFollowingAfterThat-Class23-RexBittle.MP3
10/06/24 Bible Authority - Apostles Methods - Lesson 5 Part 2 Michael Cain Bible Authority: How Established; How Applied Sun Bible Study 24100601-BibleAuthority-ApostlesMethods-Lesson5Part2-MichaelCain.MP3

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