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All Sermons


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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
03/14/21 Saul, Samaritans, and Simon the Sorcerer - Acts 8: 1-25 Randy Jamerson ACTS (Some of the Acts of Some of the Apostles) Sun AM 21031401-SaulSamaritiansAndSimonTheSorcerer-Acts8-1-25-RandyJamerson.MP3
03/07/21 The Murder of Stephen Acts 6: 8 - Ch 7: 1-60 Randy Jamerson ACTS (Some of the Acts of Some of the Apostles) Sun AM
02/28/21 The Selection of the Seven - Acts 6: 1-7 Randy Jamerson ACTS (Some of the Acts of Some of the Apostles) Sun AM 21022803-TheSelectionOfTheSeven-Acts61-7-RandyJamerson.MP3
02/21/21 Choosing The Sin - James 1: 14-16 Randy Jamerson N/A Sun AM 21022102-Choosing_TheSin-James1--14-16-RandyJamerson.MP3
02/14/21 They Keep On Going - Acts 5:12-42 Randy Jamerson ACTS (Some of the Acts of Some of the Apostles) Sun AM 21021402-TheyKeepOnGoing-Acts-5--12-42-RandyJamerson.MP3
02/07/21 Not For Show - Acts Ch 4-5, Acts Study P10 Randy Jamerson ACTS (Some of the Acts of Some of the Apostles) Sun AM 21020702-NotForShow-Acts4-5-RandyJamerson.MP3
01/31/21 The Apostles Answer Council that Killed Jesus - Acts Study P09 Randy Jamerson ACTS (Some of the Acts of Some of the Apostles) Sun AM 21013102-ApostlesAnswerCouncilThatKilledJesus-Acts4-RandyJamerson.MP3
01/24/21 The Road To Heaven Jason Burnett N/A Sun AM 21012402-TheRoadToHeaven-JasonBurnett.MP3
01/17/21 The Second Sermon - Acts P08 Randy Jamerson ACTS (Some of the Acts of Some of the Apostles) Sun AM 21011701TheSecondSermon-ActsStudyP08-RandyJamerson.MP3
01/10/21 Devoted to Fellowship Acts Study P07 Randy Jamerson ACTS (Some of the Acts of Some of the Apostles) Sun AM 21011002-DevotedToFellowship-ActsStudyP07-RandyJamerson.MP3
01/03/21 Devoted To Breaking Bread Randy Jamerson ACTS (Some of the Acts of Some of the Apostles) Sun AM 21010302-DevotedToBreakingBread-ActsStudyP06-RandyJamerson.MP3
12/27/20 What They Were Devoted To Randy Jamerson ACTS (Some of the Acts of Some of the Apostles) Sun AM 20122702-WhatTheyWereDevotedTo-ActsStudyP05-RandyJamerson.MP3
12/20/20 The Meaning Of Baptism Randy Jamerson ACTS (Some of the Acts of Some of the Apostles) Sun AM 20122001-The_Meaning_of_Baptism-ActsStudyP04-RandyJamerson.MP3
12/13/20 The Best Possible Gift That You Could Ever Receive Randy Jamerson ACTS (Some of the Acts of Some of the Apostles) Sun AM 20121301-TheBestPossibleGiftThatYouCouldEverReceive-ActsP03-RandyJamerson.MP3
12/06/20 What Will Be Your Story? Acts 1: 12-26 Randy Jamerson ACTS (Some of the Acts of Some of the Apostles) Sun AM 20120601-WhatWillBeYourStory-ActsStudyP02-RandyJamerson.MP3
11/29/20 Why Do You Believe? - Acts 1:1-11 Randy Jamerson ACTS (Some of the Acts of Some of the Apostles) Sun AM 20112901-WhyDoYouBelieve-ActsStudyP01-RandyJamerson.MP3
11/22/20 LOVING One Another - You Were Taught by GOD Randy Jamerson How We Ought To React With One Another Sun AM 20112201-LoveOneAnother-RandyJamerson.MP3
11/15/20 Forgiving One Another as God in Christ Forgave You Randy Jamerson How We Ought To React With One Another Sun AM 20111502-ForgivingOneAnotherASGodInChristForgaveYou-RandyJamerson.MP3
11/08/20 Submitting to One Another Out of Reverence to Christ Randy Jamerson How We Ought To React With One Another Sun AM 20110802-SubmitToOneAnotherOutOfReverenceToChrist-RandyJamersonWorshipPrt2.MP3
11/01/20 (Start at 22Mins. in) Encouraging One Another (Levels Vary:Most of Service) Randy Jamerson How We Ought To React With One Another Sun AM 20110101-EncouragingOneAnotherMostService-LevelsVary-RandyJamerson.MP3

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