

Media and Sermons

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
03/18/18 Shepherds of the Flock #9 - Shepherds & Sheep 2 - "What Sheep Should Say to Their Shepherds" Randy Jamerson Sermon Shepherds of the Flock Sun AM 18031801.MP3
03/18/18 Heroes: By Faith, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph Randy Jamerson Sermon HEROES of Faith Sun PM 18031802.MP3
03/11/18 Shepherds of the Flock #8 - Shepherds & Sheep 1 Randy Jamerson Sermon Shepherds of the Flock Sun AM 18031101.MP3
03/11/18 Christ's History of the Church Barry Armstrong Sermon N/A Sun PM 18031102.MP3
03/04/18 Shepherds of the Flock #7 - Elders and Deacons - Qualifications of Wives Randy Jamerson Sermon Shepherds of the Flock Sun AM 18030401.MP3
02/25/18 Shepherds of the Flock #6 - Qualifications and Work of Deacons Randy Jamerson Sermon Shepherds of the Flock Sun AM 18022501.MP3
02/25/18 Heroes: By Faith, Abraham Randy Jamerson Sermon HEROES of Faith Sun PM 18022502.MP3
02/18/18 The Model Father (Part 1) Heath Robertson Gospel Meeting GOD CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR FAMILY! Gospel Meeting 18021801.MP3
02/18/18 The Model Father (Part 2) Heath Robertson Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 18021802.MP3
02/18/18 Stones for Our Children: Leaving a Spiritual Legacy Heath Robertson Gospel Meeting GOD CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR FAMILY! Gospel Meeting 18021804.MP3
02/17/18 Godly Grandparents Heath Robertson Gospel Meeting GOD CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR FAMILY! Gospel Meeting 18021701.MP3
02/16/18 Hope For Your Family Heath Robertson Gospel Meeting GOD CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR FAMILY! Gospel Meeting 18021601.MP3
02/11/18 Shepherds of the Flock #5 - Character & Habits - II Randy Jamerson Sermon Shepherds of the Flock Sun AM 18021101.MP3
02/11/18 HEROES: By Faith, Enoch, Noah Randy Jamerson Sermon HEROES of Faith Sun PM 18021102.MP3
02/04/18 Shepherds of the Flock (extra) - Five Things Elders-Members Need to Hear Rex Bittle Sermon Shepherds of the Flock Sun AM 18020401.MP3 Eldership_-_5_Things_Elders-Members_Need_to_Hear.pdf
01/28/18 Shepherds of the Flock #4 - Character & Habits - I Randy Jamerson Sermon Shepherds of the Flock Sun AM 18012801.MP3
01/28/18 HEROES: By Faith, Abel Randy Jamerson Sermon HEROES of Faith Sun PM 18012802.MP3
01/21/18 Shepherds of the Flock #3 - Qualifications Randy Jamerson Sermon Shepherds of the Flock Sun AM 18012101.MP3
01/21/18 HEROES: The Faith Foundation Randy Jamerson Sermon HEROES of Faith Sun PM 18012102.MP3
01/14/18 Shepherds of the Flock #2 - Qualifications Randy Jamerson Sermon Shepherds of the Flock Sun AM 18011401.MP3

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