

Media and Sermons

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
10/25/20 Confessing Sins To, And Praying For, One Another Randy Jamerson Sermon How We Ought To React With One Another Sun AM 20102502-ConfessingSinsToOneAnotherAndPrayingForOneAnother-RandyJamerson-PlusSongsAndClosinfPrayer.MP3
10/18/20 Honoring One Another Randy Jamerson Sermon How We Ought To React With One Another Sun AM 20101801-HonoringOneAnother-RandyJamerson.MP3
10/11/20 Humility Towards One Another Randy Jamerson Sermon How We Ought To React With One Another Sun AM 20101101-HumilityTowardsOneAnother-RandyJamerson.MP3
09/27/20 Perverting The Word of God (Warnings About) Randy Jamerson Sermon N/A Sun AM 20092701-PervertingTheWordOfGodWarningsAbout-RandyJamerson.MP3
09/20/20 Bearing With One Another In Love - 2 -(Song First) Randy Jamerson Sermon How We Ought To React With One Another Sun AM 20092001-BearingWithOneAnotheInLoverSongThenStudyRandyJamerson.MP3
09/13/20 Being Members Of One Another - 1 Randy Jamerson Sermon How We Ought To React With One Another Sun AM 20091301BeingMemberaOfOneAnother-RandyJamerson.MP3
09/06/20 What is a Christian's 'Labor Day?' Randy Jamerson Sermon N/A Sun AM 20090601-WhatIsAChristiansLaborDay-RandyJamerson.MP3
08/30/20 Called to Be Lights Of The World Randy Jamerson Sermon N/A Sun AM 20083001-CalledToBeLightsOfTheWorld-RandyJamerson.MP3
08/23/20 Zacchaeus Randy Jamerson Sermon N/A Sun AM 20082301B-Zacchaeus-RandyJamerson.mp3
08/16/20 Joseph - Blessings and REAL Forgiveness Randy Jamerson Sermon Study of Joseph Sun AM 20081602-Joseph-BlessingsAndRealForgiveness-RandyJamersonSermon.MP3
08/12/20 Parable of the Unjust Steward - Luke 16:1-13 Jason Burnett FB VIDEO N/A Wed PM
08/09/20 Joseph - Where is Your Focus, Your Hope? Randy Jamerson Sermon Study of Joseph Sun AM 20080901-Joseph-WhereIsYourFocus-YoueHope-RandyJamerson.MP3
08/05/20 The Promised Land Rex Bittle FB VIDEO N/A Wed PM
08/02/20 Joseph - Makes Power of God Known Randy Jamerson Sermon Study of Joseph Sun AM 20080201-Joseph-MakesPowerOfGodKnown-RandyJamerson.MP3
07/26/20 Joseph - Guilt (of Brothers) Leading to Repentance Randy Jamerson Sermon Study of Joseph Sun AM 20072601-Joseph-GuiltLeadingToRepentence-Genesis42-44-RandyJamerson.mp3
07/19/20 Always Giving God The Glory Randy Jamerson Sermon Study of Joseph Sun AM 20071901-B-Joseph-AlwaysGivingGodTheGlory-RandyJamerson.mp3
07/12/20 The Soul That Sins - Ezekiel 18 Rex Bittle Sermon N/A Sun AM 20071201-TheSoulThatSins-Ezekiel18-RexBittle.MP3
06/21/20 Childhood Memories of a Wise Man Randy Jamerson Sermon Proverbs For Life Sun AM 20062101-ChildhoodMemoriesOfAWiseMan-Prov4-1-9-RandyJamerson.MP3
06/14/20 Obedience to God Does Not Guarantee Life Will Be Easy Randy Jamerson Sermon Study of Joseph Sun AM 20061401-Joseph-P1-ObedienceToGodDoesNotGuranteeLifeWillBeEasy.MP3
06/10/20 Dare to Lead Like Joshua Michael Cain FB VIDEO N/A Wed PM

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