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Are We Loyal?
To be loyal to Christ is the Christian's supreme quest in this life. We owe no other loyalty compared to that which we owe to Him. That loyalty is shown in our obedient response to His teaching and in the imitation of His life. Jesus said to a certain person, "Follow me." The man replied, "Lord suffer me to go and bury my father." This is surely important to a son who has lost his very own father. However, Jesus replied, "Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God" (Luke 9:59-60).
The Savior showed His respect for departed friends and love ones (Read John 11:11-36). His demand on the man who lost his father was not disrespectful of the dead. It was a test of loyalty. There are more important things in the life of a Christian than those that pertain only to this life in the flesh. Are we really trustworthy to Christ when we allow many things pertaining to this life to come before our duty to the Lord? Are we loyal...
1. ...when we fail to attend services because friends came to see us unexpectedly? If the Lord put following Him ahead of burying one's father, what about the attendance of meetings of His church?
2. ...when we fail to give liberally because we ran up too many bills purchasing things that we did not necessarily need?
3. ...when we do not invite people to study with us because we are afraid of making them uncomfortable or straining our friendship?
4. ...when we allow a headache or other minor discomforts to keep us from worship, but not from our jobs or other activities?
5. ...when we appear very religious on the Lord's Day and live so that no one would ever suspect us of being a Christian the rest of the week?
6. ...when we are more interested in making money than we are in making melody in our hearts.
7. ...when we just quit attending because of what we think is bad treatment in the church?
8. ...when we are more concerned over our children's social standing than we are their spiritual condition?
9. ...when we are more committed to the "Little League" than we are to the Lord's Church?
There are other things, lots of them, we would do well to consider. Take this short ‘test’ and see if you are trustworthy to Jesus Christ, all the time. After taking the test, you may find a few things you need to change or improve! Does He have your loyalty?