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All Sermons


Displaying 61 - 80 of 1016

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
07/07/24 What Motivates Paul To Be Focused On The Lord? - II Cor.5: 11-17 Randy Jamerson II Corinthians Sun AM 24070705-II-Cor5--11-17-WhatMotivatesPaulToBeFocusedOnTheLord-RandyJamerson.MP3
07/03/24 When Does It Become A Sin? Seth Bittle N/A Wed Worship 24070302-WhenDoesItBecomeASin-Matther5-27ff-SethBittle.MP3
06/30/24 So That We Do Not Loose Heart - Be of Good Courage - II Cor.4 Randy Jamerson II Corinthians Sun AM 24063003-IICor4--16-SoWeDoNotLooseHeart-BeOfGoodCourage-RandyJamerson.MP3
06/26/24 Good Examples - or Chinks In Our Amour? Elijah Bittle N/A Wed Worship 24062602-GoodExamples-OrChinksInOurArmour-ElijahBittle.MP3
06/23/24 Treasures in Jars Of Clay, II Corinthians 4: 7-15 Randy Jamerson II Corinthians Sun AM 24062303-IICor4--7-15-TreasuresInJarsOfClay-RandyJamerson.MP3
06/19/24 Improper Attitudes Towards Sin Randy Jamerson N/A Wed Worship 24061907-ImproperAttitudesTowardsSin-RandyJamerson.MP3
06/16/24 Our HEAVENLY Father for Building Our Experience Randy Jamerson N/A Sun AM 24061605-OurHEAVENLYFatherForBuildingOurExperience-RandyJamerson.MP3
06/12/24 True Freedom: In The Time Between Event And Action Michael Cain N/A Wed Worship 24061202-TrueFreedmInSpaceBetweenEventAndAction-MichaelCain.MP3
06/05/24 The Power Might And Importance of Jesus (Reference Hebrews 1: 1-4) Rex Bittle N/A Wed Worship 24060502-ThePowerMightAndLovingKindnssOfJesus-Hebrews1--1-4-RexBittle.MP3
06/02/24 Living To Be The Recommendation For Christ Randy Jamerson II Corinthians Sun AM 24060203-II-Cor3--1-6-LivingToBeTheRecommendationForChrist-RandyJamerson.MP3
05/29/24 Being An Optimist Or A Pessimist Seth Bittle N/A Wed Worship 24052906-BeingAnOptimistOrAPessimist-SethBittle.MP3
05/26/24 How Can We Become What We Want To Become? Austin Oldag (none) Sun AM 24052604-HowCanWeBecomeWhatWeWantToBecomeAndBeASuccess-AustinOldag.MP3
05/22/24 The Good Fight (Of Faith) Rex Bittle N/A Wed Worship 24052202-TheGoodFightOfFaith-RexBittle.MP3
05/19/24 Wandering In The Wilderness - Like Today - Numbers 9: 15-18 Hayden Green N/A Sun AM 24051903-WanderingInTheWilderness-LikeToday-Num9-15-18-HaydenGreen.MP3
05/12/24 II Cor 2 : 12 - 17 - As Triumphal Captives In Christ Randy Jamerson N/A Sun AM 24051203-IICor2-12-17-AsTriumphalCaptivesInChrist-RandyJamerson.MP3
05/08/24 The Unity Of Christians - John 17:20 Noah Bittle N/A Wed Worship 24050805-TheUnityOfChristians-John17-20-NoahBittle.MP3
05/05/24 We Work With You For Your Joy - II Corinthians 1:23-Ch2 Randy Jamerson II Corinthians Sun AM 24050503-WeWorkWithYouForYourJoy-IICorinthians1-2-RandyJamerson.MP3
05/01/24 The Lord Looks At The Faith That Is In Our Hearts Michael Cain N/A Wed Worship 24050105-TheLordLooksAtOurFaithInOurHearts-MichaelCain.MP3
04/24/24 Freedom (Not Hedonism) Noah Bittle II Corinthians Wed Worship 24042402-FreedomNotHeadonism-NoahBittle.MP3
04/21/24 God's Comfort In Affliction Randy Jamerson II Corinthians Sun AM 24042103-God-s-ComfortInAfflictionIICorinthins.MP3

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