

Media and Sermons

Displaying 1181 - 1200 of 1209

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
05/08/11 Restoration Randy Jamerson Sermon (none) Sun PM Restoration.pptx Restoration.MP3
05/01/11 Sound Speech Rex Bittle Sermon (none) Sun AM 11050101.MP3
04/24/11 Words From The Cross Randy Jamerson Sermon (none) Sun AM 11042401.MP3 Words_from_the_Cross-handout.pdf WordsfromtheCross.ppt
04/17/11 Meditation Jason Burnett Sermon (none) Sun AM Meditation.pdf JB_041711.MP3 Meditation.ppt
04/17/11 A Cloud is Coming Gary Hulsey Sermon (none) Sun PM GH_041711.MP3
04/10/11 Coming Apart at the Seams Randy Jamerson Sermon (none) Sun AM COMING_APART_AT_THE_SEAMS-HANDOUT.pdf coming_apart_at_the_seams.pptx
07/16/10 A Powerful and Perfect Word Jim Bell Sermon God Has Spoken Gospel Meeting JB8_POWER.mp3
07/15/10 Through the New Testament Apostles and Prophets Jim Bell Sermon God Has Spoken Gospel Meeting JB6_NT.mp3
07/15/10 An Inspired and Incorruptible Word Jim Bell Sermon God Has Spoken Gospel Meeting JB7_INSPIRED.mp3
07/13/10 Through His Son, Jesus The Christ Jim Bell Sermon God Has Spoken Gospel Meeting JB5_SON.mp3
07/12/10 Through The Prophets of Old Jim Bell Sermon God Has Spoken Gospel Meeting JB4_Prophets.mp3
07/11/10 The Significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls Jim Bell Sermon God Has Spoken Gospel Meeting JB1__DSS.mp3
07/11/10 The God That Has Spoken Jim Bell Sermon God Has Spoken Gospel Meeting JB2_GODSPOKE_.mp3
07/11/10 Some Are Deceived in Unbelief Jim Bell Sermon God Has Spoken Gospel Meeting JB3_Deceived.mp3
02/28/10 Honor Father and Mother Randy Jamerson Sermon (none) Sun AM 28Feb10_HonorFatherMother_Jamerson.mp3
02/21/10 God's Family Plan Art Adams Sermon Commitment and Surrender Gospel Meeting 21Feb10_FamilyPlan_ArtAdams.mp3
02/21/10 Stressed, Anxious, and Depressed Art Adams Sermon Commitment and Surrender Gospel Meeting 21Feb10_SressedAnxious_ArtAdams.mp3
02/21/10 Faith Is the Victory Over Life's Pressures Art Adams Sermon Commitment and Surrender Gospel Meeting 21Feb10_FaithVictory_ArtAdamsmp3.mp3
02/20/10 The Day Jesus Died Art Adams Sermon Commitment and Surrender Gospel Meeting 20Feb10_DayJesusDied_ArtAdams.mp3
02/19/10 Water: God's Dividing Line Art Adams Sermon Commitment and Surrender Gospel Meeting 19Feb10_WaterDividingLine_ArtAdams.mp3

Displaying 1181 - 1200 of 1209

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