

Media and Sermons

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
04/11/21 MiraclesOfTheGospel-Acts 9:32--10:48 Randy Jamerson Sermon ACTS (Some of the Acts of Some of the Apostles) Sun AM 21041102-MiraclesOfTheGospel-Acts9-32--10-48-RandyJamerson.MP3
04/07/21 "The Fear Of The Lord" - What Meant To Early Christians Michael Cain FB VIDEO N/A Wed PM
04/04/21 The Persecutor Is Persecuted But Strengthened Acts9:20-end Randy Jamerson Sermon ACTS (Some of the Acts of Some of the Apostles) Sun AM 21040402-ThePersecutorIsPersecutedButStrengthened-Acts9-20-end-RandyJamerson.MP3
03/31/21 Salutations Paul Writes To The Brethren (starts 5.5 Min. in) Rex Bittle FB VIDEO N/A Wed PM
03/28/21 From Persecutor to Promoter -Acts 9:1-17 Randy Jamerson Sermon ACTS (Some of the Acts of Some of the Apostles) Sun AM 21032802-FromPersecutorToPromoter-Acts9-1-17-RandyJamerson.MP3
03/24/21 The Devil's Agenda - (Skip to to 9 mins in) Randy Jamerson FB VIDEO N/A Wed PM
03/21/21 The Baptism of the Ethiopian Eunic - Acts 8:26-40 Randy Jamerson Sermon ACTS (Some of the Acts of Some of the Apostles) Sun AM 21032103-TheBaptismOfTheEthiopianEunic-Acts8-26-40-RandyJamerson.MP3
03/18/21 Two Great Evils -Jerimiah 2:13ff Michael Cain FB VIDEO N/A Wed PM
03/14/21 Saul, Samaritans, and Simon the Sorcerer - Acts 8: 1-25 Randy Jamerson Sermon ACTS (Some of the Acts of Some of the Apostles) Sun AM 21031401-SaulSamaritiansAndSimonTheSorcerer-Acts8-1-25-RandyJamerson.MP3
03/07/21 The Murder of Stephen Acts 6: 8 - Ch 7: 1-60 Randy Jamerson Sermon ACTS (Some of the Acts of Some of the Apostles) Sun AM
03/03/21 CONFESS - 1 Timothy 6: 12-14 Randy Jamerson FB VIDEO N/A Wed PM
02/28/21 The Selection of the Seven - Acts 6: 1-7 Randy Jamerson Sermon ACTS (Some of the Acts of Some of the Apostles) Sun AM 21022803-TheSelectionOfTheSeven-Acts61-7-RandyJamerson.MP3
02/24/21 Blind Faith Michael Cain FB VIDEO N/A Wed PM
02/21/21 Choosing The Sin - James 1: 14-16 Randy Jamerson Sermon N/A Sun AM 21022102-Choosing_TheSin-James1--14-16-RandyJamerson.MP3
02/17/21 God's Word: 'What's The Use?' (Internet Troubles-Lost 10 mins.) Rex Bittle FB VIDEO N/A Sun AM
02/14/21 They Keep On Going - Acts 5:12-42 Randy Jamerson Sermon ACTS (Some of the Acts of Some of the Apostles) Sun AM 21021402-TheyKeepOnGoing-Acts-5--12-42-RandyJamerson.MP3
02/10/21 The Miracles of Jesus (Video Starts at 6Min in.) Randy Jamerson FB VIDEO N/A Wed PM
02/07/21 Not For Show - Acts Ch 4-5, Acts Study P10 Randy Jamerson Sermon ACTS (Some of the Acts of Some of the Apostles) Sun AM 21020702-NotForShow-Acts4-5-RandyJamerson.MP3
02/03/21 For I Am With You Michael Cain FB VIDEO N/A Wed PM
01/31/21 The Apostles Answer Council that Killed Jesus - Acts Study P09 Randy Jamerson Sermon ACTS (Some of the Acts of Some of the Apostles) Sun AM 21013102-ApostlesAnswerCouncilThatKilledJesus-Acts4-RandyJamerson.MP3

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